Call Setup Successful Rate (%) = ((Total number of successful setup)/(Total number of calls attempt))*100 Total number of successful setup = Total number of mobile originating calls that are successfully assigned a traffic channel (TCH). Total number of calls attempt = Total number of times the test mobile attempts to make a mobile originating call.
Dropped Call Rate (%) = ((Call set-up Success) – (number of completed calls)) / (Call set-up Success)*100
Handover Success Rate (%) = ((Total number of successful handovers) / (Total number of handover attempts))*100
Handover per call = (Total number of Handover success / total number of call setup success)
Dropped Call Rate, also known as TCH drop rate
Handover per call = (Total number of Handover success / total number of call setup success)
well i'm not understad actualy...^^
BalasHapusbut i think your description or what is it, well that was interesting for me... go bloggerian..^^ keep fighting and writing...^^ be yur self...!!
mas panji ,
BalasHapustrims atas info ttg buku telco pengarang Lingga wardhana .
saya mau beli buku tsb dmn ya? bisa bantu info nya ga ya ..
email to anteavea@yahoo.co.id
BR ..
@anteavea : sudah saya email ya caranya. thx